
February 10, 1961: The Rock Hill Herald, which was and still is the local newspaper, took a very biased stance when covering the Civil Rights events especially when covering the Friendship 9. A woman named Margaret H. Gregg wrote a letter to the Rock Hill Evening Herald that was surprisingly published. She wrote in opposition […]


February 7, 1961: NAACP president for Rock Hill, Reverence Cecil Ivory, held a meeting where 300 people of York County came together to hear from Civil Rights speakers. The speakers were SNCC founder Ella Baker, CORE field secretary James T. McCain, and US National Student Association activist Connie Curry, who was white. Because of this […]


February 6, 1961: Four large-name SNCC members were inspired by the bold actions of the Friendship 9 and decided to join their efforts and do the same thing. They came to Rock Hill, protested at Mcrory’s, were arrested and refused bail. The two men that were involved were Charles Sherrod and J. Charles Jones, and […]